Discussions, Pages and Posts, Public and Private

Our discussions about:  1) “Demonic Foes: My Twenty-Five Years as a Psychiatrist Investigating Possessions, Diabolic Attacks, and the Paranormal” (Richard Gallagher M.D) and, 2) the Book of Judges and, 3) interactive discussions between trainers and students about malpractice cases against clergy, churches, and professional counselors in cases of “spiritual liberation” are all moved to private, encrypted, confidential channels because we are discussing sensitive and protected information about cases and missions.

The study materials above and elsewhere on this forum are academic and public in nature.  Our interactive group discussions between trainers and students apply these public materials to our confidential missions and cases in daily practice.

I do not have the time nor the desire to strip away sensitive information in order to make these pages public.

All full-time trainers and full-time students are compliant in not publishing sensitive discussions in any other format, anywhere else.

The external website attribution to us of the public exorcism as recorded in public on a cell phone was a fraud, a fake attribution, and was not our work.  It is tragic that loving requests and reasonable disclaimers to desist in attributing that public case to us fell on deaf ears until we suggested that the parties posting the video check with their legal solicitor for an opinion about defamation.

The exception that allows for rare public pages is an exception for pre-approved hypothetical cases for training only, with all identifying information stripped away.

Go through your contracted full-time trainer who will forward requests to a panel of T.J.,  Celie, and I for approval.

Celie is working on stats now for private discussion of the total number of care services, cases, and missions that we have accomplished, including a ratio of successes to failures in our missions, so we may learn from them.



Published by

Admin PLB Accountant, R. Roma

See the bio for me from the Bio link on left Sidebar

2 thoughts on “Discussions, Pages and Posts, Public and Private”

  1. It is for the Spanish and charismatic grace in the church in our public worships. Many new ones come. The priest commands silence. The person only gives testimonies. The healings and the demons cast out and new ones to Jesus are the ones to say. We need more sacred of this respect the privacy.

    Do you not see this is why we do not give shame?

    The report of Antonio is about the demons. The angels of God come too and people get scared. The Scriptures show it. The angels of God in the Scripture tell the fearful ones do not be afraid. This we see in worships.

    (note by Roma: the link to Antonio is probably this one)

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