“In the last days, God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.’” (Acts 2:17-18). | .. a crowd came together, each one heard .. in his own language, Parthians, Medes, Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt .. Libya .. visitors from Rome .. Jews .. Cretans, Arabs .. we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” (Acts 2:6ff). |
We experience this purpose in awe and joy at witnessing Divine demonstrations of physical, practical, real on-earth results of generous Love, in continual “joy made full” – because, “the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 13:52, and John 17:13 “joy made full” NASB).
More than ninety-nine percent of our full-time work at local and global levels happens offline and out in the real world – in businesses, clinics, construction sites, government and non-government offices, in homes, hospitals, marketplaces, secular institutions, shelters, on the streets, and in off-radar mission locations in urban and real jungles as violent venues that are dark, very dark, in sometimes fatal missions (Mark 16:15 go into all the world, Matthew 28:19 go into all nations, make disciples).
The effects created by the Holy Spirit in these venues are varied and manifold (1 Corinthians 12:6 varieties of effects, 1 Peter 4:10 manifold Grace of God). Here is a short list: 1) hearts revived, renewed, restored, made tender and obedient to Love, 2) freedom to trust God because of experiencing God’s Indwelling Love, 3) physical healing at medically verified levels, often the Holy Spirit cooperating with, or superceding medical science case by case, 4) freedom from enslavement to self-destructive choices like addictions, staying unnecessarily in abusive relationships, poor choices in finances, lack of self control, 5) freedom to attain, achieve, and abide continually in healthy physical, mental, and spiritual daily effects across a wide spectrum of hearty, strong, and robust Life-giving benefits, 6) deliverance from broken relationships, including broken relationships in businesses, in neighborhoods, in governments transformed to healthy relationships to serve the common good (1 Corinthians 12:7), 7) in healings from deep trauma that disables rational reasoning, painful traumas caused by natural disasters, imposed by other humans, physical injuries, war and economic slavery, with the Holy Spirit cooperating with healing in medical science and professional counseling, 8) the Holy Spirit creates spiritual discernment beyond natural human reasoning to identify and overcome ordinary daily harassments of demonic influences that can add up gradually to deeper trauma when repeated frequently across long periods over time, and when not resisted daily by ordinary prayers motivated by the Spirit and fellowship with others in Love, 8) the Spirit grants extraordinary discernment and Power to overcome demonic possession (statistically rare) and for victims to be restored to health Mark 9:29, Matthew 17:21, Luke 11:26 “this kind,” severe demon possession, Matthew 12:28, Luke 11:20, and seven-times worse, including the Spirit moving trained professionals such as medical and counseling professionals (link, link psychiatrists, link, link clinical counselors) to give mandatory help to distinguish mental illness from extreme cases of involuntary, unchosen, imposed, and even chosen demon possession that causes overwhelming suffering and finally, 9) the Holy Spirit creates deliverances that include physical locations and physical resources such as private homes, public and private offices, market place economies, and other real estate properties dedicated to evil (drug houses, sex and human-trafficking-networks, churches harboring pedophilia, lukewarm mediocrity, and in church itself the demonic fraudulent religious pretenses of full-commitment, Acts 5:1-11 married couple, Ananias and Sapphira, fraudulently appearing fully committed in church, during a revival, and also, the Holy Spirit spearheads the takeover and elimination of child slavery sweatshop factories, Matthew 18:6 little children and millstones, and countless other global networks, global transportation conduits, global physical sites and global and local resources dedicated to merchandise in evil, Revelation 18:11 Douay-Rheims – real properties, real physical mechanisms, and real resources that become taken back, cleansed, and reconsecrated (Exodus 12:36ff, 2 Chronicles 20:25-30) by the Holy Spirit for advancing the Kingdom of God’s Love coming on earth (Matthew 6:10).
Here are some examples of anonymity, privacy, and hidden service compared to publicity. Hidden, private, and covert service is detailed in, “Samuel Rees Howells – A Life of Intercession: The Legacy of a Hidden Intercessor” (link), recording “fifty hidden years of ministry.” See also, Father Vincent Lampert, an exorcist, says – “some exorcists are publicly known, and some exorcists remain anonymous” (link). Malachi Martin practiced and wrote about intercessory prayers combined into healings and exorcism, as “an Exorcism underground … networks in great and guarded secrecy” (p. 5, Hostage to the Devil). George Barna is a researcher and scientist (statistical sociology of religion) who compiles empirical facts and data of a trend as a Revolution (book) of people exiting churches of all denominations, even if still sometimes attending churches in minimal ways, for the larger purpose of joining together in small, anonymous, and hidden teams that do millions of covert acts and missions and who are mostly anonymous, hidden, not-publicized, doing practical services in the world. Consider also the life of Charles Feeney who anonymously, secretly, covertly gave away almost his entire fortune of $8 Billion to religious and non-religious causes (not churches, link). With the exception of very few public pages, this online forum is not a public gathering place, and much of our work and missions involve what Malachi Martin called, “underground … networks in great and guarded secrecy.”
The most important daily communication at the heart of our work is the most Secret and intimate communication anywhere on earth – daily prayer, deep dwelling in the Scripture (John 15:7), and daily listening prayer in the Secret Place (Matthew 6:6, and, “Speak, for your servant is listening,” 1 Samuel 3:10). Ninety-nine percent of our daily prayers during hours of listening in the Secret Place, and in receiving Answers for practical missions – these Secret Place listening-prayers and Answers are rarely posted online for the general public.
We hope that our few public pages inspire public readers who are considering full-time training and service in the world (Matthew 28:19). We do not recruit online. We do not solicit nor take funds, offerings, or money online. We are not training for service in churches (plenty of churches and seminaries do so). We do train in simple churches, sometimes covert, as corps of two, three, or more gathered in Jesus’ Name (Matthew 18:20) and sent out into the public. We train teams for full-time service through full-time prayer at levels of 40-80+ hour work-weeks, as corps sent out into the public venues above. We hope that our few public pages inspire public readers to know God’s will intimately and clearly for themselves.
Our few public pages are not for “anyone who lives on milk” (Hebrews 5:13). These pages will take work and are not easy feel-good devotional reading for part time, armchair readers. These pages are “solid food for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil” (Hebrews 5:14).
Our missions are not about our commitments to God, but instead, are about God’s commitments to building God’s Government-Kingdom on earth in languages of practical service and in practical effects in Love that all can understand. “You have not chosen me: but I have chosen you; and have appointed you, that you should go, and should bring forth fruit; and your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you” (John 15:16).
Only Divine Appointment, not human wisdom, creates these corps.
Only the Holy Spirit creates maturity in fluid, effective, relentless corps sent out into the world, overcoming tribulation including violence (Joel chapter 2, especially v. 7-9). We come from a variety of backgrounds and vocations (see bios, and see “founding credits” below on this page). We work together in corps because of our common working definition of friends embedded in what Jesus said, “You (plural) are my friends if you do what I command” (John 15:14). This practical obedience is costly. “We have left everything to follow you!” (Mark 10:28, and compare Matthew 19:19-23, and Mark 10:21-23, the rich young ruler walked away from commitment sad, in ongoing sorrow).
We have received Infinitely more back in return, despite hostile circumstances that are sometimes fatal to individuals and corps. In answers daily to listening prayer to receive and obey practical mission instructions, we experience awe, continual wonder, repeated joy in impossible missions made possible because – “the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 13:52), and continually filled with God’s ravishing, self-giving, unashamed Love, into dying daily (1 Corinthians 13).
founding credits (after forum transfer from Usenet in 1997-2001)
Rees Howells, (Director, College of Full-time Intercessors, Against Clobal Dictators)
Samuel Rees Howells, (The Legacy of Hidden Intercessor)
Fr. Malachi Martin (Scholar, Interpreter Dead Sea Scrolls, Underground Exorcist)
Dr. John White (MD, Pyschiatrist, Psychiatric Residency Trainer, Missionary, Author)
H. Behr, (Brown Navy Deep Jungle Vet, Charismatic, Simple Church Planter)
Fr. Gabriele Amorth, (Italian Resistance War Vet, Lawyer, Priest, Appointed Exorcist)
Jedburgh, (SOESM Vet, Anglican, Asymmetric Conflict & Spiritual Liberation Trainer)